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The history of our boat club


The boat club was officialy formed on March 18, 1963, by a number of boat owners who gathered at Sjötorp's guest house. This became the basis for Sjötorp's boat club, which is run entirely non-profit with voluntary efforts by the club's members. It was offered to lease the area where the harbor is now 20 years old at a cost of SEK 200. A contract was signed with the Göta Kanal Company. At the start, the boat club had 37 members.

Where the marina is now located, Sjötorp's sawmill had its log cabin. The sawmill was closed down in 1957. The first task for the members was to manufacture pontoon bridges. The material used for this was arsenic-impregnated wood. A grant of SEK 9800, which corresponds to 70% of the cost-calculated material cost for ten pontoon bridges was received. A lottery was organized to finance anchors and buoy chains and mooring buoys. Then a parking lot was set up.

The first clubhouse was bought and came into place in 1970. It had previously been used as a waiting area at a bus stop. The current clubhouse was erected by members in the early 1980s. The latest extensions were showers and a sauna.

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